Pet odor control

Natural odor control for rabbit cage.

Posted on: June 4, 2009

If you are looking for a natural odor control for your rabbits cage, here’s the scoop.  You need to check out what kind of odor is it. Rabbitodor, as well as bunny, hamster or gerbil and ferret cage odor can come from 4 sources. The cage, the rabbit or animal itself, it’s food or it’s poop.

If the rabbit is clean, and the cage is kept clean from waste, the odors are coming from their food or general odors that pets like these create.

Activated charcoal odor absorber like Innofresh are made for these types of odors and will work well for those odor types. You should notice the smell clear and big difference very quickly. This is because the activated charcoal odor absorber traps the odor in the pores of the absorber and then you have a good smell again around the cage.

It lasts up to 4 months. If the odor is strong you may need to use a couple around the outside of the cage. Do not put them in the cage. The odor absorber is non toxic,  and fragrance free, but the rabbit may try to eat it if places in the cage and they should not get near it so they cannot try to eat it.

This is a link to a good website to order odor absorbers for pets.  They have good information on how the activated charcoal odor absorbing process works on pet cages and why.

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